What can we learn from ChatGPT so far
“Have you tried ChatGPT yet?” has become the popular pick-up line in recent weeks. While many have heard of it, few are aware of what ChatGPT is capable of, and what it's not. Let’s take a quick dive into it.

“Have you tried ChatGPT yet?” has become the popular pick-up line in recent weeks. While many have heard of it, few are aware of what ChatGPT is capable of, and what it's not. Let’s take a quick dive into it.

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence language model created by OpenAI. It uses machine learning algorithms to generate responses to text input and is designed to have conversations with humans in natural language. ChatGPT is one of the largest language models ever created, with 1.5 billion parameters. It was trained on a vast amount of text data from the internet, allowing it to generate responses on a wide range of topics. ChatGPT was first introduced in 2020 and has since been improved through ongoing research and development by OpenAI.

This is how ChatGPT introduced itself, not being edited by humans at all. Now you get a better sense of how natural it is in responding in plain text. 

Since its public launch in late 2022, ChatGPT has gained popularity from America to Asia, attracting over one million users who have engaged in conversations with the AI language model. Occasionally, the platform has rejected users from logging in due to overwhelming usage. Global users typically seek general knowledge and technology-related advice from ChatGPT, but some have also requested code reviews, content writing, email drafting, and other creative ways to get a written answer. ChatGPT demonstrates an impressive capability to generate timely and mostly accurate written content. Its potential to transform roles and industries is significant. What industries could be revolutionized by ChatGPT and similar AI solutions?

Here are some potential use cases:

  • B2C Customer services: use as a 24/7 customer service, as it can provide personalized, consistent and efficient responses
  • Educational: to create personalized learning experiences and provide automated tutoring and grading
  • Medical: to offer medical advice, diagnose illnesses, guide patient intake and triage
  • Legal: to conduct legal research, draft legal documents, and manage contracts
  • Creative writing:  to generate ideas, and provide feedback on writing samples.

Well it does sound like what other AI-empowered SaaS claims they can achieve, why do people get so excited about ChatGPT in particular?

It comes to the underlying  model ChatGPT is based on- Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It allows the chatbot to give not just those annoying or irrelevant  rule-based instructions or pre-defined responses, but generate new and unique responses based on the context and input it receives. Hence it comes more handy when we look for answers to open-ended questions.

While ChatGPT has many strengths, it also has its limitations at this time. For one, the responses it generates are based on the dataset it was trained on up to September 2021, which means it may not offer the most current answer if circumstances have changed since then. Additionally, it is unable to tap into real-time updates on the internet, which is seen as one of its major weaknesses. However, Bing AI aims to address this issue. It is touted as an improved version of ChatGPT that can crawl the internet for real-time events, and generate unique and freshly generated human-like responses, similar to ChatGPT. While full access to Bing AI is not yet available, a demo has been launched and interested individuals may sign up for the waitlist to be notified once it becomes available.

This means that it cannot provide critiques of artwork or identify mistakes in an Excel spreadsheet of an annual budget. However, OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT,

actually developed a text-to-image-AI generator, DALL E2, to show people AI possibilities on the visual front. 

Artificial intelligence has reached new heights, surprising skeptics and fulfilling the expectations of AI advocates. While some may find it concerning that AI is becoming increasingly advanced, it is important to note that machines have yet to replicate the human ability to empathiseempathize and understand emotions.

Rather than fearing the potential impact of AI, we should embrace the possibilities that ChatGPT offers and use it in conjunction with our unique human touch. We can prepare ourselves for a future that is fully infused with technology, just like the science fiction story that ChatGPT wrote:

In the year 2050, the world has changed beyond recognition. Technology has become so ingrained in our daily lives that we can hardly imagine a world without it. AI, once a distant dream, has become a fundamental component of human society, driving innovation and pushing boundaries. The lines between human and machine are blurred, as we have integrated technology into our bodies, our homes, and even our minds. The world is a different place now, but in many ways, it is also the same. People still seek meaning, purpose, and connection. And in this new era, a young woman is about to embark on a journey that will change the course of her life forever.

